Mar 30, 2009

Q-n-A # 22: Mr. Obama, Rumor has it, you are buddies with scam artist, Robert Allen Stanford

I see you slamming GM, Ford, Chrysler, AIG, Bank America, and Citigroup but no mention of Bernie Madoff or this guy.
I am wondering why?

In case you don't know who this guy is, here's the story....
Being a Texas billionaire who loved cricket should've raised some red flags immediately. Now Robert Allen Stanford may be charged as the newest scam artist on the financial block...once the Securities and Exchange Commission finds him.
Not that Searchers haven't been looking for the money manager themselves. Queries for "allen stanford" (also known and misspelled online as "robert allen stanford," "r allen stanford," "sir alan stanford," and the like) popped up into the top 5,000 searches after a "caravan" of feds drove up February 17 and took over the headquarters of his financial services company, the Stanford Group, under charges of old-fashioned fraud.
Sir Stanford, however, wasn't there to hand over the keys and to face charges, although his cohorts were. His whereabouts were unknown. One report says he tried to hire a private jet to fly to his Caribbean home but ignominiously failed due to a rejected credit card. It appears only wire transfers are acceptable from sweaty-palmed financiers.
The Stanford Group (which has more than 50 offices spread across six continents), ratcheted triple the searches of its founder. Stanford, however, may only be a pip-squeak version of Bernie Madoff: Despite allegedly perpetuating an $8 billion fraud (Madoff's damage is an estimated $50 billion), there's no evidence of a Ponzi scheme here, according to The Business Insider.
The fraud involved telling customers that the CDs they were buying came from investments in "easily sellable financial instruments, monitored by more than 20 analysts and audited by regulators on the Caribbean island of Antigua." Instead, Stanford and chief financial officer otherwise known as the accomplice James Davis allegedly handled the whole thing, hid 90 percent from oversight, and funneled a chunk into not-so-easy-to-sell assets like real estate and private equity investments.
Still, the why of Stanford's alleged fraud demands an explanation, and people have been seeking clues into the fifth-generation Texan's background ("r allen stanford biography"). His Sir title came courtesy of Antigua although its prime minister once called him "haughty, arrogant and obnoxious." The West Indies island is also where he based his Stanford International Bank and flamboyantly funded the Stanford Superstars cricket team, which beat mighty England in November and won $20 million. Unfortunately, the chance to recoup any losses through cricket is nil for now: The Wall Street Journal reported that the English Cricket Board "suspended negotiations with Mr. Stanford about further matches."
Also, as might be expected from someone who had $2.2 billion to his name, Stanford donated to political campaigns, and Republican senators are now moving fast to shuffle contributions to charity. (They might want to consider St. Jude Hospital, which Stanford had supported.)
The Baylor University graduate also once claimed kinship to Leland Stanford, the founder of the private California university, but the school sued in October to stop that nonsense. That lawsuit will probably have to move a little further down on the financier's docket.

Mar 29, 2009

Q-n-A # 21: Mr. Obama, Where's the black outrage?

Where's your Black Pride Obama?
Pepsi is selling White Pepsi' in Japan?
Personally I think Pepsi and the Japanese are laughing their butts off at your dumb ass!
I say, send that other dumb-ass, Hillary Clinton to Japan and make them stop!

Mar 27, 2009

Q-n-A # 20: Mr. Obama, When are you going to tell the truth?

You're proof the American people are ignorant of Islam.
Under Islamic Law, if one or both of your parents are Muslim, you are automatically born a Muslim.
Your father was Muslim, you attended a Muslim School in Indonesia (only Muslims can attend those schools) yet you claim to be a Christian.
Further, anyone who denounces Islam that is a Muslim is given a death sentence by fellow Muslims.
You were never denounced by Islamic leaders so therefore you are a Muslim in disguise, which is allowed under Islamic Law to promote Islam or carry out deeds of ill will against Infidels (non Muslims).
Americans deserve the truth - when are you going to admit your are a Muslim?
Here is something to get you thinking .... Toilet Paper now comes in 2-Ply with the Koran scribbled on it!

Mar 23, 2009

Q-n-A # 19: Mr. Obama, What NO McDonald's Award Scenario?

Gee Mr. President, you have selected such a fine group of assholes for your Cabinet Post and top economic advisers, I am surprised you don't have an 'Employee of the Month Award.'
Maybe you'll start one after reading this!

Mar 21, 2009

Q-n-A # 18: Mr. Obama, When are you going to put a sock in Al Sharpton's mouth?

That's right this asshole is the biggest racist on the planet and a useless shit stirrer.
If you had any guts you lock this ass-clown up for inciting riots and racism, but we know you will never do that, because Michelle wouldn't let you, ha ha ha ha!

Mar 19, 2009

Q-n-A # 17: Mr. Obama, When are you going to open the flood gates?

President Obama, when are you and the rest of the Democrats going to open the flood gates for African immigration, starting with your roots, Kenya?
After all you have all ready allowed millions of uneducated Mexicans into the USA. What's a few more blood suckers for the taxpayer to burden?
This person has all ready signed up, says there a relative of yours.

Mar 16, 2009

Q-n-A # 16: Mr. Obama, Did you forget something in Indonesia?

President Obama the guy in the picture wants to know when you're returning to Indonesia, you know where you studied to be a Muslim, and get you monkey?

Mar 11, 2009

Q-n-A # 15: Mr. Obama, Why aren't Our U.S. Troops given the best equpment?

March 7, 2008, file photo, U.S. soldiers secure the area next to a damaged U.S. mine resistant, ambush protected vehicle (MRAP), after a roadside bomb explosion during an operation in the area of Al-leg, some 40 miles south of Baghdad, Iraq. The Army is updating its manual for the electronic battlefield a move aimed at protecting soldiers against roadside bombs and other nontraditional warfare used by increasingly sophisticated insurgents.
Firms defraud government but get new US contracts anyway, Why is that President Obama?

The Real Story President Obama is hiding from American taxpayers:
WASHINGTON DC – Companies that defrauded the United States and jeopardized American lives received new government work despite rulings designed to stop them from receiving federal contracts, government investigators report.
Payments went to a company whose president tried to sell nuclear bomb parts to North Korea, a company that jeopardized lives on the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy, and a seller of body armor that the Air Force said was defective.
The companies were on a government database of 70,000 individuals and businesses suspended or barred by various U.S. agencies from receiving government contract work.
The Government Accountability Office blamed some of the mistakes on faulty computer searches by officials who left out commas or periods. But it also said the search engine for the database often failed to identify any of the entries on the exclusion list.
A hypothetical suspended company named XYZ Corp., Inc. with a comma would escape detection if one searched for XYZ Corp. Inc. without the comma the report said.
The investigators found a staggering list of offenses by companies awarded new contracts. They included use of fictitious Social Security numbers, massive tax fraud, delivery of faulty parts for the military, false filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, use of insider information to bid on federal contracts, and Medicare fraud.
Rep. Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, asked in a hearing Thursday, "What is the point of having suspension and debarment regulations if our own agencies disregard them?"
Most contracts were awarded to excluded companies by mistake. However, the Army deliberately continued a contract with a German company, Optronic GmbH, whose president was convicted in Germany for attempting to illegally ship dual aluminum tubes to North Korea. The equipment can be used in the development of nuclear bombs.
The Army paid the company $31 million under the contract, including $4 million after it was placed on the exclusion list. The firm supplied civilians for training exercises for 7,000 U.S. troops prior to their deployment to Iraq.
In ruling that the company should not receive new contracts, the Army stated in July 2005 that the gravity of the conduct was clear, given that 37,000 U.S. forces were stationed on South Korean soil.
An Army official, in an interview, said the payments continued because the convicted president was removed from the company and the firm did an excellent job in its crucial role in the training exercises.
Edward Harrington, deputy assistant secretary for procurement, said stopping the contract early would have jeopardized the two brigades that needed the civilians in their battlefield exercises.
Other examples cited by the GAO, Congress' investigative arm:
_The Navy suspended Tecnico Corp. of Chesapeake, Va., in April 2006, after discovering the company was using faulty fasteners on steam pipes on the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy. A rupture could have caused lethal burns.
A Tecnico Corp. vice president, Richard Freeman, declined to comment.
_GAO officials, in their own test, purchased body armor worth more than $3,000 from Pinnacle Armor of Fresno, Calif. The company was placed on the exclusion list in September 2007 by the Air Force, which concluded that the firm represented its body armor was tested and effective, when the equipment actually failed to meet requirements.
Several attempts to reach the company were unsuccessful because the company mailbox was full.
Steven Industries of Bayonne, N.J., was banned in May 2007 after the GAO said it conspired to defraud the government by placing false labels on chemicals.
Bill Rubenstein, president of Steven Industries, said the payments from the government after the company was barred were for contracts that existed at the time.
Gregory Kutz, the GAO official who presented the findings, said the payments were for new orders under existing contracts and should not have been approved under the exclusion.
Chemco Industries, a cleaning supply company, was suspended in March 2007 three years after its conviction for illegally discharging chemicals into the St. Louis sewer system. Officials in the Veterans Affairs Department never checked the exclusion list and ordered new cleaning supplies.
Company owner Kamal Yadav said the firm didn't receive new business during its ban. The government "started buying again after we got reinstated," he said.
The GAO disputed that, saying the company was suspended March 7, 2007, and the new order was placed by the VA on Aug. 8, 2007.
It should be noted that many of these companies donated campaign funds to elect Obama.

Mar 6, 2009

Q-n-A # 14: Mr. Obama, About Healthcare in America, please get a reality check?

When are politicians going to level with the American taxpayer?
You want national heathcare for all Americans because you claim 47 million Americans don't have healthcare.
The facts show otherwise...
The average American with healthcare and their employer pay about $16,000 per year, of this $922 go to covering cost for uninsured at ER rooms that eventually are passed on to heathcare providers in higher cost.
Of those so-called 47 million, over half are illegal aliens.
So try closing the borders, kicking out those who don't belong here that are ruining and bankrupting our country.
Next, the average doctor pays $50,000 per year in medical malpractice insurance. Since you are lawyer you wont grasp this, but try getting rid of these ambulance chasing asshole lawyers that sue doctors, hospitals, and drug companies for every little thing!
So now that the facts are out, what are you gonna do about it?